Authors with a wide variety of background write for WALL JUMP. We are happy to receive messages from people who would like to contribute to WALL JUMP by e-mail to:
The contributors of WALL JUMP sorted in alphabetical order:
Benjamin Gildemeister | @bgildemeister & @musikganon
As a let’s player and podcaster, Benjamin has been taking a close look at video games for years with his format “Die Beleuchteten Brüder” (The Illuminated Brothers) – and, in addition, he likes to arrange them into extensive lists with great zeal.
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Ingo Redenius | @GameskulturBits
More information on Ingo to follow soon!
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Janina Himmen | @zwergimbikini
Janina does freelance communication design and is pondering whether she is allowed to call herself a game developer because of Anyway, she is playful and enjoys being surprised by unusual ideas. The urge to write texts about videogames has been expressed in blogs from time to time.
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Joshua Hampf | @gutazel
Joshua is founder and owner of WALL JUMP. The studied educator has led the editorial team of a classic gaming news site for several years and now wants to take a different look at video games with WALL JUMP.
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Martin Eiser | @greatmightym
Martin is a freelance journalist and was for years a permanent member of the editorial staff of the gaming portals and
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Matthias Mirlach | @mmirlach
Matthias has been working in various functions for video game publishers for over 10 years. So far this hasn’t been able to keep him from dealing intensively with games in his spare time – with the gamepad as well as in articles for various websites and magazines.
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Mirko Lemme | @mileonnet
Mirko is a full-time web designer and developer, passionate gamer and musician. As a studied journalist he prefers to focus on the “Primary Loop”, the core of a matter. Furthermore, he is not afraid to mention Douglas Adams and Sibylle Berg in the same breath.
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Sven Himmen | @stiftnuersel
Sven is a writer and has already published three books. Video games are, in his opinion, the perfect medium to further live out his own writing passion because of their diversity. He mainly wants to entertain with his texts, since there are really enough other people out there who can write reviews. For him, it all started with a Game Boy. Of course with a mountable magnifying glass with a lamp. He is a professional after all.
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Daniel Bienefeld | @DrSpielemann
As a freelance journalist, Daniel has been firmly rooted in the German games industry for many years and was formerly a permanent member of the editorial team at one of Germany’s largest video game portals. In his spare time, he also devotes himself to this cultural asset in many different ways. Instead of classic analyses, he mainly publishes essayistic texts on current and nostalgic video games here.
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Thomas Steuer | @steuerkreuz
Thomas communicates and podcasts for a German media group. In doing so, he is recovering from many years of working as a radio reporter for video games.
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