Author: Janina

2023-01-22 / Encounters /
2022-10-12 / Sounds /

Mein Mann und ich sind eines jener Paare, von denen Außenstehende behaupten, dass sie ihnen dabei helfen, den Glauben an die große Liebe nicht zu verlieren. Es ist ein bisschen kitschig, aber wir kommen einfach sehr gut miteinander klar. Und trotzdem lasse ich ihn verhungern.

2022-06-22 / Sounds /

In 1993, huddled in front of a small monitor, I learned how much fear a few olive green pixels can cause you when they jump at you screeching.

2022-05-11 / Encounters /

Why on earth would I first seek refuge from the unhealthily overpopulated world outside in the glow of my monitor, only to be exposed to the stress of social interaction again?

2022-02-16 / Encounters /

Creatures had an impressive fan community in the late 90s, which shows that it wasn’t just boys who were pushing the gaming scene back then.

2022-01-26 / Moments /
2021-12-25 / Moments /

“Don’t look at anything about it before, just trust me.” Whatever moves you to these mysteriously murmured words, enjoys a high significance with me. After all, is there anything better than being surprised?