Month: January 2023

2023-01-29 / Moments /

I have been with my wife for over twenty years. She was my first and only partner and has remained so to this day, which makes me a little bit happier every day.

2023-01-22 / Encounters /
2023-01-15 / Places /

Mansplainers can’t grasp the appeal of “In Other Waters” because they are busy uncovering burger scandals.

2023-01-08 / Moments /

As a teenager, my best friend and I had a habit of riding down muddy slopes on skateboards or wallpaper tables, or jumping from parking garages into bushes and filming ourselves doing it.

2023-01-01 / Mixtakes

In unserem letztjährigen Jahresrückblick sprachen wir davon, dass wir in unserem vorletztjährigen Jahresrückblick sagten, ein „komplexes Jahr“ läge hinter uns. Und dass 2021 daran angeknüpft habe. Nun, was sollen wir sagen – 2022 hat sich ordentlich ins Zeug gelegt,