Even if I would deny this in direct conversation, I’m probably one of those habitual gamers too. One of those who’d rather have more of…

2020-08-04 / Places /

Apart from soccer, I think all other ball sports are superfluous – especially basketball and handball games bore me to death. I may be accused…

2020-08-01 / Moments /

They called it Perfect Dark. For me, it was one of the first shooters, I’ve ever played. The thrill of being a special agent with…

2020-07-29 / Encounters /

The big highlight of the original Destiny’s second year, was without any doubt the raid “King’s Fall”, an activity for six players with several bosses…

2020-07-25 / Moments /
2020-07-22 / Sounds /
2020-07-18 / People

The developer studio Quantic Dream attracted a lot of attention with Indigo Prophecy back in 2005. In addition to the players, Sony also recognized the…

2020-07-15 / Encounters /

Building worlds and delivering emotional hooks is hard. It is often fascinating, how indie studios manage that against the backdrop of scarce resources and existential…