Author: Benjamin

2021-11-03 / Sounds /
2021-10-27 / Places /

Places where you shouldn’t play hardcore precision games. Today: A crowded, shaky subway on a stormy autumn morning. Or maybe that’s just the place?

2021-10-16 / Places /

A demon lives with two poor, abused dogs on just 10m². He does this not out of necessity, but out of conviction. And yet he has to die.

The question of which degree of violence is justifiable in video games is to be considered independently of how much fun it is to drill the brains of your fellow players.

2021-09-25 / Places /

Daspota: Picturesquely situated on the Gulf of Prem. Unfortunately filled to the brim with thugs and pirates. A good occasion for the biggest grindfest ever.

In 1991, I thought the ending of Monkey Island 2 was dumb. 30 years later, I feel the same way. But for completely different reasons.

2021-08-25 / Moments