Month: July 2020

2020-07-29 / Encounters /

The big highlight of the original Destiny’s second year, was without any doubt the raid “King’s Fall”, an activity for six players with several bosses…

2020-07-25 / Moments /
2020-07-22 / Sounds /
2020-07-18 / People

The developer studio Quantic Dream attracted a lot of attention with Indigo Prophecy back in 2005. In addition to the players, Sony also recognized the…

2020-07-15 / Encounters /

Building worlds and delivering emotional hooks is hard. It is often fascinating, how indie studios manage that against the backdrop of scarce resources and existential…

2020-07-11 / Moments /

It was a simple assignment. One could argue that it was one of many repetitive tasks in this highly acclaimed, best-selling monstrosity of a game.…

I have always been suspicious of the Animal Crossing series. Somehow I found it hard to understand why people well beyond the age of thirty…

2020-07-04 / People

Warren Spector is one of the most renowned developers in the history of gaming. Looking at his body of work, it’s obvious that the central…