Skateboarding is hard, Tony Hawk’s is pure joy. What Neversoft got so right twenty years ago.
Category: Encounters
Whether online or together on the couch – unique game situations often arise not only through the game itself, but through shared experiences.
In this category, we want to talk about these ENCOUNTERS.
The way out of the comfort zone requires courage, but creates new perspectives: How a game jam broadened my horizon.
The relationship between my sister and me always seemed a bit complicated. It was characterized by a strangely distant closeness. As a big brother, I…
Every generation has its own magic moments. It is a very intense experience that changes the way you look at things. Something familiar turns into…
When I went to elementary school in the early 90s, I had no console and no PC, so I first gaming experiences were made on…
The big highlight of the original Destiny’s second year, was without any doubt the raid “King’s Fall”, an activity for six players with several bosses…
Building worlds and delivering emotional hooks is hard. It is often fascinating, how indie studios manage that against the backdrop of scarce resources and existential…